Hello, I'm Alejo

Building applications with front and back-end technologies.
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About Me
A Brief Description
FullStack developer with a passion for learning and problem solving. Almost Done with my Science in Computer Engineering degree. Looking for a job in the industry with new challenges where I can learn and grow. Won a scolarship at UPM (Madrid) to finish my career abroad.
Here are a Few Highlights:
Full Stack web and mobile development
background knowledge of popular tech stacks
Interactive Front End as per the design
Building REST-ful APIs and GraphQL as the transport layer
Microservices Arquitectures leveraging Cloud Infraestructure
Part of Movers And Shakers Program in DataStax
My formal Bio Details
Work History
Hard Skills
Highlighted Projects
UPM SMILE Scholarship
ETSISI at Polytechnic University of Madrid,Spain
Artificial Intelligence and Microservices Architecture
Platzi Certifications
Data & AI School
Frontend with Angular
Backend with NestJs
Javascript School
Web development School
Node.Js: Backend Development with Javascript
Frontend with React.js
Mobile Apps Development with React Native
JavaScript Full stack Developer
Programming and Software Development School
Full stack with Next.js
Backend with Node.js
Backend with .NET
Digital Forensics course
Ingeneering Faculty at UCASAL,Argentina
Science in Computer Engineering
Catholic University of Salta,Argentina
Advanced Student: 4 out of 5 years done
GPA: 8.5 / 10
Secondary School
Escuela Parroquial Nuestra Señora de la merced
Bachelor of Social Sciences and Humanity
University of Cambridge
FCE First Certificate in English B2-Score 177
Workshops Hackathons and Challenges
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